# Create simple calibre server as user service (without sudo) ## warm up - Install calibre via nix or pkg manager of choice - Create library at prefered location where book going to be stored. `mkdir -p /home/you/library` - Add books to that location `calibredb add /path/of/books.pdf --with-library /home/you/library` # Main Course - Create a systemd user service In ~/.config/systemd/user create new file called calibre-server.service `touch calibre-server.service` - Write init script nvim calibre-server.service ``` [Unit] Description=calibre content server [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=//calibre-server --port=8180 --enable-local-write /home/you/library [Install] WantedBy=default.target ``` Note: remember to find the correct of your calibre-server binary with `whereis calibre-server` command. - Enabling the service `systemctl --user enable calibre-server` - Starting the service `systemctl --user start calibre-server` - Check the service running at `localhost:8180` in your browser - Last but not least to run the service even after your user log out run this `loginctl enable-linger username` ======================================================================================================================== # Optionals: ## Provide domain name for your service using reverse proxy write nginx conf file ``` server { listen; server_name library.yourdomain.com; root /var/www/html; index index.html; location / { proxy_pass; } } ``` Now simply going to `https://library.yourdomain.com` you will reach to the calibre server without having to know backend hostname or port number. ## Have multiple libraries - Inorder to have multiple libraries running on same server just add the different library path to the main command i.e. `/